Contact myGov or your services

Find contact information if you need help with your myGov account or linked services.

Before you contact myGov or your services

Try online help

We have detailed information to help you create and manage your myGov account.

Try the Digital Assistant

Our myGov Digital Assistant (DA) can answer your questions any time. You can ask questions about myGov and your account, including your linked services. You can access the DA from the Assistant icon on any myGov page.

Contact myGov

When to contact the myGov helpdesk

Contact the myGov helpdesk for help signing in and using your myGov account.

If you’ve called but are still having trouble with your myGov account, please call back. Our team can help fix the problem or connect you with more support.

You can use our short survey to help us improve myGov.

How to contact the myGov helpdesk

Call 132 307 and select option 1.

The myGov helpdesk is open during local Australian time zones:

  • Monday to Friday, 7 am to 10 pm
  • Saturday to Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm.

The myGov helpdesk is closed on national public holidays.

Calling from outside Australia on a landline

If you are using a landline to call Australia from overseas, you’ll need to use an international dial out code, followed by this number: +61 1300 169 468. Then select option 1.

For example, to call Australia from the UK (which has the dial out code 00), the phone number is 00 61 1300 169 468. Then select option 1.

Calling from outside Australia on a mobile phone

If you are using a mobile phone to call Australia from overseas, call +61 1300 169 468 and select option 1.

International call charges apply.

Contact your linked services

When to contact your linked services

Contact your service for:

  • help linking (including linking codes) and using the service
  • questions, feedback and complaints about the service.

How to contact your linked services

For contact information, please select the service you need help with:

Call costs

1300 numbers

Calls to 13 and 1300 numbers from a landline are the same cost as a standard local call.

If you use a mobile phone, the cost of calls to 13 and 1300 numbers will be set by your mobile provider.

If you are calling from overseas:

  • the cost of calls from a landline to 13 and 1300 numbers will be set by the country’s phone network
  • the cost of calls from a mobile phone with a local SIM will be set by the overseas country’s mobile phone provider
  • the cost of calls from a mobile phone with a roaming SIM will be set by your home country’s mobile phone provider.

1800 numbers

Calls to 1800 numbers within Australia from a landline are free.

If you use a mobile phone, calls to 1800 may be free. Check with your mobile provider to find out if there are any costs.

Stay connected

Ask us questions and get tips about myGov on our X and YouTube social media accounts.

Page last updated: 29 May 2024