Your rights if you have disability

Get information to help you understand what your rights are.


Discrimination can take many forms, including things like:

  • being overlooked for promotions or job opportunities due to illness or disability
  • not being provided with the tools or equipment you need
  • being denied entry to a shopping center because you have a guide dog.

Find out more about disability discrimination on the Australian Human Rights Commission website.

Knowing your rights

It’s important to know that anyone with an illness, injury or disability has the same rights as anyone else. These rights include fair treatment and anti-discrimination. This includes:

  • employment
  • education
  • accommodation or property
  • getting services from insurance providers, telecommunications and banks
  • using public spaces like parks, restaurants or shopping centres.

Find out more about the Disability Discrimination Act on the Australian Human Rights Commission website.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme website can help you to understand your rights and responsibilities.

Page last updated: 14 April 2023