Managing your teenager’s behaviour

It’s normal for teenager to push boundaries as they go through puberty and develop coping skills.

Some things you can do to manage behaviour are:

  • have open communication
  • set clear rules about behaviour
  • be calm, firm and consistent if your child breaks the rules
  • spend time together having fun
  • give them praise for good behaviour
  • create a warm and loving environment
  • give them responsibility so they have a sense of autonomy and independence.

Find more good behaviour tips or discipline strategies on the Raising Children website.

Smoking, vaping, alcohol and drug use in teenagers

Teenagers sometimes experiment with smoking, vaping, alcohol and drugs, which can impact their health and development.

Tips for talking to your child:

  • Talk to them about the risks to their health and development.
  • Be clear about your own beliefs and set a good example with smoking or your own alcohol intake.
  • Stay calm and avoid judging or lecturing them.
  • Set rules and consequences.
  • Help them navigate situations where they may feel pressured to smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs.

Find out more about talking to young people about smoking, alcohol or drugs or vaping on the Alcohol and Drug Foundation website.

Find out more about smoking and tobacco and young people or alcohol and young people on the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website.

Get advice and support

There are services available if you need help with your parenting, or just want to talk about a parenting issue. Find parent helplines and hotlines or parent and family services listed on the Raising Children website.

Page last updated: 14 April 2023