What other payments come out of your pay
Your employer might take other payments from your wages when they take your tax.
HECS-HELP and other study support loans
If you’re working or starting a new job, tell your employer you have a HELP loan. They can help you make your compulsory repayment by withholding small amounts from your regular wage throughout the year. This money goes to the Australian Taxation Office to help pay back your HELP loan at tax time.
You’ll start paying back your study loan through the tax system when you earn above the compulsory repayment threshold. Repayment rates depend on how much you earn, not the size of the loan. The more you earn, the more you’ll repay.
Find out more about managing your HELP loan.
Child support
If you pay child support, you can choose to pay this out of your wages.
Find different ways to pay child support using Child Support Collect on the Services Australia website.
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Page last updated:
1 September 2023