Replace lost or damaged identity documents

Information to help you replace your identity documents after a natural disaster.

Driver licence

To replace your driver licence, you should contact your state or territory government. You can find out more by visiting their websites. These links will take you away from myGov.

State or territory



Renew or replace your driver licence


Replace a NSW driver licence online


Replace your driver licence card if lost, stolen or damaged


Replacing your licence online or in person


Replace a driver's licence or permit


Replacing your licence


Replace your licence or learner permit


Replace my licence


If your passport is lost or damaged because of a natural disaster, it may be free to replace it. Find out how to get a replacement passport after a natural disaster on the Australian Passport Office website.

Citizenship certificate

If your citizenship certificate is lost, destroyed or damaged by a declared natural disaster, it’s free to apply for a replacement if you do this within 18 months of the event. 

Find out how to replace citizenship evidence after a natural disaster on the Department of Home Affairs website. 

Medicare card

You can find information about replacing your lost, stolen or damaged card on the Services Australia website.

You can use your Medicare online account through myGov or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app to get a replacement or extra card. You can find a step-by-step guide on how to get a replacement or extra Medicare card on the Services Australia website.

If you need help to order a new or replacement card, you can call the Medicare line on the Services Australia website.

You can use a digital copy of your Medicare card on your Express Plus Medicare mobile app. Find out how to get a digital Medicare card on the Services Australia website.

Create a Digital ID

Digital ID is a secure and easy way to prove who you are when you access government services online. This means you won’t have to provide documents every time. Find out more about Digital ID.

Page last updated: 5 August 2024