Starting child care

Before your child starts care, check their immunisation history and claim Child Care Subsidy.

Check your child’s immunisation

Before your child starts child care, it’s a good idea to check their vaccinations are up to date. A series of free vaccinations are available for children aged 0 to 4 years to protect them against serious diseases.

Your child must meet immunisation requirements if you want to get Child Care Subsidy.

Find out more about vaccinations for your child.

Claim Child Care Subsidy

Child Care Subsidy is a payment that helps with the cost of approved child care. Services Australia pays the subsidy to your child care provider to reduce the fees you pay.

You should claim Child Care Subsidy before your child starts child care. Otherwise, you may have to pay full fees until your claim is finalised.

Enrol your child

Your child care service will guide you through the enrolment process. They’ll ask for contact details, including who they can contact in an emergency. They’ll also ask for information about your child, such as their routine and any health details.

If you’re claiming Child Care Subsidy, they’ll ask for your child’s Customer Reference Number (CRN). Find out more about providing a CRN when you enrol your child on the Services Australia website.

Your service may also ask for your child’s immunisation history statement.

Help your child settle and thrive

A good partnership with your provider will help your child settle and thrive in the care environment.

You may do one or more orientation visits to the service where you stay close by.

Find tips on supporting children during transition on the Starting Blocks website.

Help in your language

There is translated information about Child Care Subsidy on the Services Australia website.

Page last updated: 26 July 2024