Link Unique Student Identifier

Link your Unique Student Identifier (USI) to myGov to manage your USI details.

Your USI is your individual lifelong education number.

Linking your USI with myGov means you don’t have to log in to your USI account when you access it from myGov.

As a student, you can access your USI account through myGov to view and share your USI VET transcript and manage your details.

Follow these steps to link Unique Student Identifier to your myGov account:

  1. Sign in to myGov.
  2. Select View and link services.
  3. Select Link on the Unique Student Identifier tile.
  4. You can link USI using one of these options:
    1. Your USI. If you know your USI, select I know my USI.
    2. Your personal details. To use your personal details, select I don’t know my USI.
  5. Follow the prompt to enter the details of your USI.
  6. Once your USI has been identified, a 6-digit code will be sent to the mobile phone or email address on your USI account.
  7. Enter the code and select Next.

Find out more about USI on the USI website.

When you link your myGov account to USI, you can: 

  • download your USI VET transcript
  • update your details.

If you can’t link a service to your myGov account, contact the service for help.

Page last updated: 8 January 2024