Help paying for your GP or specialist

Find out what Medicare covers when seeing your GP or specialist and how to make a claim.

If you're enrolled in Medicare, some of your costs of seeing a general practitioner (GP) or specialist may be covered by Medicare.

Make sure you take a valid Medicare card or number with you when you see them.

If your GP chooses to bulk bill, Medicare will cover the full cost and you won’t need to pay.

You can search for a GP who bulk bills using the Service Finder on the healthdirect website.

After you’ve paid for the GP or specialist visit, you can claim your Medicare benefit either:

  • at the doctor or specialist’s office
  • in your Medicare online account through myGov.

Claiming Medicare benefits at the doctor’s

If you pay the full cost of your appointment, you can make a claim for the amount Medicare covers. The quickest way to claim is at the doctor’s straight after you pay.

To do this you need both of these:

  • to be enrolled in Medicare
  • your Medicare card.

When you pay at the doctor’s, ask if they can make an electronic claim for you. If they can, they’ll do it on the spot. Once it’s processed, your Medicare benefit will be paid into either:

  • the account for the EFTPOS card you used to pay
  • the bank account you’ve registered with Medicare.

Claiming Medicare benefits through myGov

You can claim your Medicare benefit in your Medicare online account through myGov.

If your Medicare account is linked to myGov, sign in now and make a Medicare claim.

If you don’t have a myGov account, find out how to create one and link to Medicare.

Medicare will pay your benefit into the bank account you’ve registered with them.

Find out more about claiming your Medicare benefit through myGov and updating your bank account details to get your payment.

Find out about other ways to claim your Medicare benefit on the Services Australia website.

Page last updated: 6 March 2025