Government help with money

You may be eligible for a Centrelink payment, or other payments, to help you manage everyday costs.

There are payments available for people in many different situations. Find out if you're eligible for a payment.

Payments for families

Depending on your family’s circumstances, you may be eligible for support from Centrelink.

Payments for carers or people with disability

You may be eligible for payments if you’re a carer, or have disability or an illness. Some of these links will take you away from myGov. 

Payments for people looking for work

If you’re not currently working, you may be eligible for a Centrelink payment.

Payments for people who are studying

If you’re studying or doing an apprenticeship, you may get a Centrelink payment.

Payments for people who are retired

If you’re planning on retiring or have retired, you may get a Centrelink payment. 

Other payments and services

Centrelink payments and services

There are other Centrelink payments and services you may get. Some of these links will take you away from myGov.

No Interest Loans

You may be able to get a No Interest Loan (NIL) from Good Shepherd to help you with costs.

NILs let you borrow money for essential goods, such as white goods and car repairs. You pay no interest, and you only repay what you borrow.

Find out more about No Interest Loans on the Good Shepherd website.

Page last updated: 28 February 2025