Age Pension

The main payment from Services Australia for people who are 67 years or older.

Who can get it

To get this you must be all of the following:

  • 67 years or older
  • an Australian resident, normally for at least 10 years
  • under the income and assets test limits.

Find out more about who can get it and how much you can get on the Services Australia website.

How to get it

There are things to consider when you’re preparing to claim, like getting your supporting documents ready. Find out more about how to prepare to claim on the Services Australia website.

You can submit your claim in the 13 weeks before you turn 67. If you already get an eligible payment from Services Australia, they may invite you to apply to transfer to Age Pension.

Claim online

If you and your partner are both claiming Age Pension, you may be able to submit a combined partner claim online. You’ll need to satisfy certain criteria before you claim. Check the criteria at the beginning of the online claim process before starting your claim. If you’re eligible, the combined partner claim option appears at the Review and Confirm stage of your claim. If you have a nominee claiming for you, they can’t submit a combined partner claim online.

You'll need to link Centrelink to your myGov account, if you haven’t already.

If you don’t have a myGov account

Follow the steps to create a myGov account. After you’ve created one, you can link services to your account.

If you can’t claim online

You can do any of the following on the Services Australia website:

Help in your language

Call the Centrelink multilingual phone service on 131 202 to speak with someone in your language.

Find information in more languages about Centrelink on the Services Australia website.

Page last updated: 5 March 2025